Monday, September 24, 2007

Nipples Really Have Only One Purpose

Why are nipples erogenous? It just seems creepy to me. Nipples are designed to deliver milk to the infant. (And why do humans drink cow milk? It's for calves! I drink soy milk.)

The whole sex drive thing is a scam. We "feel" physically attracted to someone but really it's just our sex drive trying to make a new human.

Many men find large breasts attractive but is it actually because large breasts imply that they can hold more milk than smaller breasts and therefore be more capable of feeding an infant? Or is it because certain men want to be babied? According to zoologist Desmond Morris, author of 'The Naked Ape,' breasts are designed to look like derrieres, and a naked derriere is designed to encourage the sex drive.

Sex is weird and the older I get the more I see it for what it truly is - simply an overly hyped mechanism to make more humans.

(But don't get too attached to your babies - America's most prolific serial killer, President George Bush, is on a roll.)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

There's No Such Thing As Pollution

I do not care anymore about pollution. The landfills are full of disposable diapers and plastic water bottles? Good! Cigaret butts and trash line the streets? Good! Carbon dioxide filling the atmosphere? Yay! All this trash is just Mother Earth in a different form. So what? Mother Earth knows what she's doing.

I hope to be living when the earth decides it has had enough of humans. That will certainly be exciting. Woo hoo!

Friday, July 13, 2007

South Dakota Contributes To Inhumanity

South Dakota murdered a murderer July 11, 2007. Sickening. Now he's escaped prison!

Meanwhile, George Bush, America's most prolific serial killer, continues his bloody spree. Well, let's see if he can get my boys to enlist. Ain't a'gonna happen, Mr. President. I served proudly, my father served proudly, and I am proud of our troops, but I won't allow my sons to die meaningless deaths. Bring the troops home!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My List Of Heroes Doesn't Include George Bush

My sons are my heroes. I strive to be as brave as they are.

Sammy singing his own song:

Petey determined to learn words:

I am also very proud of Sean Penn:

I am ashamed of George Bush. Our military has become a police force for the rich. We are using our brave and honorable military troops to steal oil.

My sons may become soldiers, as I was, as their grandfathers were, but they will not fight for corporate interests. I will ensure that, even if it means leaving the USA.